Thursday, 31 March 2011

Work Based Learning

Currently I am helping out with Lipson Vale Primary School in Plymouth, whereas they wanted to update one of their beautiful small gardens. This particular garden has much promise, therefore a makeover is what they want to do. It will be called the 'Giant's garden', making the theme obvious. The teachers wanted an outdoor space where their class of 20 or more children could go outside and learn as well as play make-believe.
What will be included is a magnetic board attached to one of the entrances, having children to rearrange wooden magnetic letters to make sentences in order for them to enter; the other entrance will be like the wardrobe in Narnia, an opening of an archway in a very Art Nouveau style; a chair in the same style; a walkthrough where the children can dress up, a giants footprint that can be placed on concrete, sand and grass, and can also be washed off easily.
The school for this project are in partnership with a company named RIO (Real Ideas Organisation).
RIO is a social enterprise that creates opportunities for young people and adults. Their company was founded in 2007 and based in the Southwest, RIO operates nationally and internationally working with a whide range of customers. RIO is dedicated to providing developmental services for schools, local authorities, government departments and national partners. They aim to support schools to innovate and improve, build job opportunites for young people such as myself, and to help make change to community culture.

For the start of this project, I went over to the school and we all discussed our ideas of how we were going to begin this big project. There were the teachers from the school, Richard from graphic design, me the illustrator and Ben Gavan from RIO.

We believed that it would be best to get the giant footprint template out of the way first. Richard did this.

And I was to do the alphabet. The second design, because the first was too elborate for the children, looks like this:

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