Saturday, 19 March 2011

Personal and Professional Developmental Plan (and WB1)


Qualifications: June 2007

GCSE Fine Art, grade A*

GCSE Graphic Design, grade C

GCSE English, grade B

GSCE History, grade C

GSCE Math, grade C

GCSE Science, grade C

A Level Fine Art, grade A June 2009

A Level English, grade C

A Level History, grade C

Foundation Degree, Illustration and Print Ongoing


Winner of three Art Medals, one Art Cup June 2002-2005

Winner of ‘Write Now!’ Short Story competition January 2003

Manual Screen-printing Apprentice Ongoing

Commission-based Artist Ongoing

Published Author and self-illustration on book cover December 2010

SWOT analysis – where do you want to be?

Using your research, complete your short and long-term goals (Be SMART)

SHORT TERM - Finish my course, learn work based aspects, get to know people in areas of art, get information and research together to get a better understanding, ask questions, get involved in work experience in this area

LONG TERM - With the work experience, gain a respectful looking CV related in art and get a job in that sector, as well as do commissions etc in the mean time, but also have a part time job just in case.

SWOT analysis

Do a SWOT analysis of your goals based on your research


-I am doing some work experience based on my knowledge in illustration

-I have done and will keep on doing commissions, however this is fine art based

-not afraid to give work experience in a sector of my ability that I am not strong in, a go


-even though I do have work experience, my knowledge of illustration is limited as I am on my first year

-I like doing fine art pieces more

-time limits/deadlines, means I sometimes cannot do the best of my ability, which sometimes shows to the person that I am not good enough


-informed on constant competitions and work experience

-my background and knowledge can get me far

-who I know and where to look


-other, better students


-who you know



-time limits

SWOT analysis -

Personal and Professional Development Plan (Be SMART)

Based on your completed SWOT analysis -

Write a personal statement about your goal

My goal is to do Fine Art as a practise, either to professionally make and sell art, or to teach my knowledge to other students. I want to do this for the rest of my life because I knew from a young age that this is what I want to do; this is where I am creative, there is what I am passionate about and this is where I am more myself, more upbeat and happy. I do art for the sake of others to see what I see, and I wish to share the knowledge I have gained so others will know what it is like to do something you feel strongly about. With art, it shows the best of me.

Write a personal statement about your immediate goals and how you intend to achieve these

My immediate goals would include carrying on with my course and what it has got to offer. Keep a look out for competitions and work experience, Collect work experience and competition entries in portfolio for CV

Write a personal statement about your goals for the next 18 months and how you intend to achieve these.

My goals for the next 18 months would include collecting all of my research and experience to be made into a CV/portfolio showing the best of my ability.

Write a personal statement about your goals for the next 3 years and how you intend to achieve these

With the research and experience all placed in a portfolio/CV, I intend to present this to any contacts I have gained in the last 3 years. I want to have an internship or a course dedicated in working for a company who will give me more knowledge or who I can work with and get paid after the internship.

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