Things that can help you self-promote yourself:
Graffiti, Merchandise, T-Shirts, Websites, Fireworks(?), Organised Events, Festivals, TV Advertisements/Cinema/Film, Megaphone, Billboard, Flags, Freebies, Agencies, Posters, Postcards, Word of Mouth, Livery, Window Displays, Tickets, Body Art, Hot Air Balloons, Badges, Leaflets, Banners, Business Cards
Self producing is better because you get more money from it, and you get to copyright your ideas, however there is need for thought about the safety when storing it, as well as the fact that with smaller orders and longer returns.
The idea of self promoting is about not using other people’s ideas, to perceive yourself as real, and to produce good content. It is difficult to promote with small press and the constancy of promoting goods really need to stand out and can be expensive but it is all about staying on target and by using your passion as a sense of focus.
Info about some of the self-promotional products:
- Blogs are free
- Assessable to everyone
- Easy to use
- Can upload anything
- You can follow people who inspire you
- You can control the layout and the design
- The blog is connected to facebook, twitter and flickr so people can access it that way
- Blogs have to be more of a visual diary because too much writing can bore the audience
- People may breach copyright
- People may voice bad opinions that can upset you
- Content that you might find interesting/amusing might offend others
- People who want to know you cannot unless they have a blog too
- It is free to sign up and use
- Sites like have too much content
- Sites that have too much content are good for feedback/constructive criticism but it is not professional
- Sites like is more professional on the basis that artists etc have to be chosen
- It is easy to use
- Goes out to a wider audience
- People who produce work online do not have a publisher
- Bad artists tend to flood websites
- There is no quality control
- No-one really promotes websites
- People like to read comics in their hands, as it is bad for their eyes
- Students competitions: lots of prizes
- Gives a good reputation for the college
- It’s a good opportunity to get noticed
- Good for your CV
- Time management, on top of coursework is difficult
- It has to be independent work, so the cost of materials would be expensive
- Promotion of self
- Can promote your work as well as your information
- It can be produced in mass numbers cheaply
- One image can lead the audience to wanting more
- Imagery on small paper needs to stand out
- Paper quality can be expensive
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